Alice Waters’ lovage burgers

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 4 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
  • 8 lovage leaves, coarsely chopped
  • 800g minced chuck beef
  • focaccia bread
  • grilled onions
  • Dijon mustard
  • rocket leaves


In a mortar, pound the garlic with a little salt. Add the lovage leaves and briefly continue to pound. Put the minced beef into a bowl and mix in the garlic and lovage, using your hands. Season generously with salt and pepper.

Divide the burger mixture into 4 portions and mould each one into a patty between your palms. It is important to pack the meat well and make sure the edges of the patties are smooth to ensure even cooking. Leave a little concave dimple in the centre of each patty.

Warm up the grill – you’re aiming for a medium heat. For a medium-rare burger, grill each patty for about 5 minutes on each side.

Slice your bread. The slices should just match the size of your burger, so trim them a little if necessary. Toast each slice until lightly browned, one side just slightly more crisp than the other.

Now build your burger: take a slice of bread (crisper side down), place the patty on top (dimpled side up), and garnish to your heart’s content with grilled onions, a smear of Dijon mustard and some rocket leaves.

Recipe and photograph taken from around the world in 80 dishes by David Loftus (Atlantic Books, £25).
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Recipe and photograph taken from around the world in 80 dishes by David Loftus (Atlantic Books, £25).


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