Alice Waters’ pomegranate and persimmon salad

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 4 ripe persimmons
  • 4 handfuls rocket leaves
  • 2-3 ripe pomegranates
  • 1tbsp sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar
  • 3tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • a handful of walnuts


Peel the persimmons, removing the calyces. Some people enjoy the crunchiness of the peel, and so if you’re one of those, forget about peeling them and just wash them thoroughly. Either way, slice the persimmons as finely as you can and scatter them on to 4 small serving plates, accompanying each one with a handful of rocket leaves.

Halve the pomegranates, then hold each half upside down over a bowl and pound the back of the fruit with a wooden spoon, to dislodge as many of the seeds and as much of the juice as possible.

Pick out and discard any of the white pith that may have fallen into the bowl, then sprinkle the seeds over your salad plates, leaving the juice in the bowl. To make a simple vinaigrette, put the vinegar and olive oil into a jar with a pinch of salt and pepper. Add a couple of teaspoons of the pomegranate juice, shake and pour.

Lightly toast the walnuts in a small pan and sprinkle over your lovely salad.

Recipe and photograph taken from around the world in 80 dishes by David Loftus (Atlantic Books, £25).
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Recipe and photograph taken from around the world in 80 dishes by David Loftus (Atlantic Books, £25).


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