Beetroot, mackerel, jelly and salad cream

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • large handful micro leaves, such as red-veined sorrel
  • large handful beetroot and kale leaves
  • 4 smoked mackerel fillets
  • 2 medium golden beetroot and 2 medium red beetroot, cooked and both sliced thinly
  • 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil

For the beetroot jelly

  • 300g golden beetroot (approx 2 large), cooked
  • 1tsp white balsamic vinegar
  • 1-2 leaves gelatine
  • pinch caster sugar

For the horseradish salad cream

  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2tbsp vodka
  • 2tsp caster sugar
  • 1tbsp hot horseradish sauce
  • 5tbsp good mayonnaise


To make the jelly, finely slice the golden beetroot and put in a blender with the vinegar, sugar, a pinch of salt and a splash of water. Process to a purée and pass through a sieve set over a measuring jug using a ladle in a circular motion. Discard any reluctant bits left behind.

For every 115ml of liquid purée, you will need 1 gelatine leaf. Soak the leaf in cold water for 5 minutes. Put in a tiny pan with 1tsp water and heat very gently for a few seconds until a clear liquid. Stir into the purée and pour into a deep saucer. When completely cold put in the fridge to set.

To make the salad cream, put the lemon juice and vodka in a small pan with the sugar and dissolve on a low heat. Remove and pour into a bowl; when cool, whisk in horseradish and mayo.

Arrange the leaves on a dish and break the fish into pieces and add on top. Add cooked beetroots then cut the jelly into squares, triangles or scoops and arrange over the top. Serve with the salad cream in bowls and a drizzle of the extra virgin olive oil over the beetroot and leaves. Dust with freshly ground black pepper.

Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.
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Beetroot Salad
Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.


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