Beetroot salad with Arabica coffee salt

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 12 red beetroot
  • 1 white beetroot
  • 2 golden beetroot
  • 2 Chioggia beetroot

For the vinaigrette

  • 1tbsp sherry vinegar
  • 3 tbsp olive oil

For the coffee salt

  • 5 Arabica coffee beans, such as Blue Mountain
  • 50g Maldon salt

To serve

  • 1 Chioggia beetroot
  • 1 golden beetroot


Wash the beetroot in running water, then group them according to size. Put the first group in the basket of a pressure cooker, fill the base with water and add some coarse salt, then bring the cooker up to pressure. Cook small beetroot (up to 2cm diameter) for 5-6 minutes; medium beetroot (4-6cm diameter) for 7-8 minutes and large beetroot (from 8-12cm) for 9-15 minutes. At the end of each cooking time, take the pressure cooker off the heat, let the pressure drop, then remove, peel and quarter the beetroot. Put to one side. Make the vinaigrette: stir a pinch of salt into the vinegar dissolved, then mix in the olive oil.

Grind the coffee beans in a coffee mill, then use a mortar and pestle to crush them even more finely. Mix with the salt, then keep to one side. Peel, trim and finely slice the raw beetroot. Add to a bowl of iced water for 10 minutes to make them crunchy, then drain. Dress the cooked beetroot with vinaigrette and arrange on plates, then add the raw beetroot. Scatter over the coffee salt to serve.

Recipes and photographs taken from Scook: The complete cookery course by Anne-Sophie Pic. Photography by Michael Roulier (Jacqui Small, £40).
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Recipes and photographs taken from Scook: The complete cookery course by Anne-Sophie Pic. Photography by Michael Roulier (Jacqui Small, £40).


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