Brussels sprouts, potato and swede cakes

Makes 12 Starters and mains


  • 375g peeled and chopped swede, or around 200g leftover swede mash
  • 300g peeled and chopped floury potatoes, or around 200g leftover mash
  • 250g fresh Brussels sprouts, trimmed or leftover cooked ones
  • 1tbsp sunflower oil, plus about 4tbsp for frying
  • ½ small fennel, thinly sliced then finely chopped
  • 1tbsp chives, chopped
  • Good pinch of hot paprika, smoked or unsmoked, plus a little for dusting
  • 1 egg yolk

To serve

  • 70g thinly ready-sliced chorizo, fried until crisp
  • Tomato and chilli chutney


In separate plans, boil the swede and potato in salted water. The swede may take 30 minutes and the potato around 20 minutes.

When soft, drain really well and mash. Put the mashed swede in a sieve over a bowl to drain off excess water.

While the swede drains, cook the sprouts in salted boiling water for 4 minutes. Drain well.

Heat 1tbsp oil in a frying pan and stir-fry the fennel for 2 minutes. Tip into a bowl, leaving any oil behind and add the mashed potato and swede.

Slice, then roughly chop the sprouts and add them to the mash with the chives and paprika, and season with pepper. Add salt to taste if necessary. Add the egg yolk and mix well.

Form the mixture into 12 even-sized, flat fritters, 7-8cm in diameter. Heat the pan fully before adding the 4tbsp oil, then fry the fritters in batches for about 3-4 minutes on each side. Keep the first batch hot in a warm oven until the rest are ready.

Serve scattered with slices of fried chorizo, and a small bowl of chutney.

Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby; Photography and styling: Angela Dukes
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Brussels sprouts, potato and swede cakes
Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby; Photography and styling: Angela Dukes


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