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Serves 4 as a side Starters and mains
Preheat the oven to 150°C/300°F fan/Gas 2 and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
Place the tomatoes on the tray, season and spray with a little oil. roast for 2 hours, or until semi-dried and just starting to brown around the edges.
Meanwhile, place the bulgur wheat in a bowl and pour in 625ml cold water. Set aside for 1 hour, then drain, rinse and squeeze out any excess water. Set aside until needed.
Scatter the pumpkin seeds and flaked almonds on another baking tray, then place in the oven with the tomatoes and cook for 12 minutes or until lightly toasted. Remove and set aside to cool.
Place all the ingredients in a large bowl, season well and mix to combine, then serve.
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