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Serves 4 Starters and mains
Make the salmoriglio (sauce) by crushing the marjoram leaves with a pinch of sea salt in the pestle and mortar until a rough paste is formed. Add 2tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and a squeeze of lemon and stir together.
Slice the tomatoes in half crossways (not through the stem) and then cut roughly into pieces so that you have odd shapes. Season with a little salt (remember that the salmoriglio has some in) and pepper, and coat with a little extra virgin olive oil.
Put a few pieces of tomato on to each plate, divide the coppa up and curl it through the tomatoes as if it were unfolding. Spoon teaspoons of the buffalo ricotta over the salad and a few rocket or lamb’s lettuce leaves. Dribble the salmoriglio sparingly over the top.
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