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Serves 4 Starters and mains
Preheat the oven to 180C/160C F/Gas 4 fan. Wash the kuri squash, then shave off the peel with a vegetable peeler and reserve. Cut each squash in half, scooping out the seeds. Cut into even wedges of approximately 3cm and set aside.
Put the peel in a large bowl, add 2tbsp rapeseed oil and season with salt. Arrange them in a single layer on 1 or 2 baking trays and roast in the oven, moving around every 5 minutes, for 15-20 minutes until golden and crispy.
Meanwhile, make the crumb. Put the pumpkin seeds on a baking tray, drizzle with 1tbsp rapeseed oil and season with salt. Add to the oven with the skins and roast for 10-15 minutes until golden. Spread the breadcrumbs over another baking tray and drizzle with the remaining 1tbsp rapeseed oil. Add the thyme, season well with salt and cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes, moving constantly until golden brown. When ready, remove everything from the oven – the seeds will ‘sing’ while they cool.
Increase the oven temperature to 230C/210C F/Gas 8. Brush each of the squash wedges with the remaining 2tbsp rapeseed oil and season with salt. Place on a baking tray and roast for 12-15 minutes until they are golden brown and cooked through.
While the squash is roasting, make the miso aioli. Put the aquafaba, miso, mustard, garlic and vinegar in a beaker and blend together with a stick blender. Slowly drizzle in the oil until it thickens (you can add a little mayo to thicken, if necessary). Set aside.
For the pickled kale, pour the vinegar into a small pan, add the sugar and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the oil, a good pinch of salt and the chilli flakes, along with 100ml cold water. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, then add the kale.
To assemble, roughly chop the crispy pumpkin skins and seeds and mix with the sourdough crumbs. Arrange the squash on a large serving plate and top with the crumb. Dollop over the miso aioli, then finish with the pickled kale.
This recipe was taken from the Christmas 2021 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.
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