Chilli and Pernod-spiked tomatoes with feta and griddled prawns

Serves 6 Starters and mains


  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 200g raw king prawns
  • pinch of dried oregano
  • 3tbsp olive oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 600g cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 4-5tbsp Pernod
  • 1tsp thyme leaves
  • pinch chilli flakes
  • small bunch fennel
  • 100g feta
  • juice of ½ lime


Put 1 clove of the crushed garlic into a bowl with the prawns, oregano and 1tbsp oil and leave to marinate. Put the remaining oil in a frying pan and add the remaining cloves of garlic and the onion.

Cook the tomatoes for 4-5 minutes over a medium heat until softened but not coloured. Add the tomatoes to the onions and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes or so, until they are starting to soften and collapse. Add all but 1tbsp of the Pernod, the thyme and the chilli flakes. Chop a couple of sprigs of fennel and add it to the pan. Cook for a further 5 minutes, until the tomatoes have thickened but still have some texture.

Crumble all but a small chunk of the feta and stir it gently into the tomato mixture. Keep warm.

Heat a griddle pan until very hot and griddle the marinated prawns for a minute or so on each side, until bright pink and cooked through. Squeeze over the lime juice and season with sea salt.

Divide the tomato mixture between the glasses and top with the prawns. Crumble the remaining feta and scatter it over the prawns. Garnish each verrine with a sprig of fennel and serve.

Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.
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Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.


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