Chocolate, marmalade and ginger steamed pudding

Serves 6-8 Desserts and puddings


  • 175g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
  • 5 heaped tbsp marmalade
  • 50g/3 balls stem ginger from a jar, chopped, plus 1–2tbsp syrup from the jar, if needed
  • 175g plain flour
  • 45g cocoa powder
  • 2tsp baking powder
  • 175g caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 4–5tbsp milk
  • custard (with a splash of rum or whisky if you like) or ice cream, to serve


Generously grease a 1.2-litre pudding basin with butter and line the base with a circle of baking paper. Butter a large square of foil.

If the marmalade is very firm, stir in some of the stem ginger syrup to create a loose mixture. Spoon the marmalade into the base of the pudding basin and set aside.

Using a fork or balloon whisk, whisk the flour, cocoa, baking powder and a pinch of salt together in a bowl.

In a mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs, adding a little of the flour mixture if it starts to curdle. Stir in the flour mixture and enough of the milk to form a soft dropping consistency. Fold in the chopped stem ginger.

Spoon the mixture into the basin and smooth the top. Make 2 pleats in the centre of the prepared foil, place buttered- side down over the basin and secure with string around the rim. Put an upturned saucer in a large pan and put the basin on top. Pour in enough boiling water to come one-quarter of the way up the side of the basin. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 1 hour 45 minutes, topping up with more boiling water if necessary.

Carefully remove the basin from the pan, then uncover, run a knife around the side to loosen the pudding and invert on to a plate. Serve hot with custard or ice cream.

This recipe is from the April 2022 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe today, click here.

Recipes and photographs taken from The Little Chocolate Cookbook by Sue Quinn, photography by Yuki Sugiura (Quadrille, £10).
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Ginger Marmalade Chocolate Steamed Pudding 019
Recipes and photographs taken from The Little Chocolate Cookbook by Sue Quinn, photography by Yuki Sugiura (Quadrille, £10).


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