Confit lamb ribs with date syrup and toasted spices

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 1.5kg lamb ribs
  • 50g salt
  • 15g fennel seeds
  • 15g cumin seeds
  • 120g panko breadcrumbs
  • 2tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drenching and deep-frying
  • 100ml date syrup


(Start 1 day before serving)

Sprinkle the lamb ribs all over with the salt. Arrange on a tray and chill for 8 hours or overnight. Preheat the oven to 120C/100C F/Gas ½.

Wash the ribs, pat dry and put in an ovenproof pan with a lid. Drench in olive oil, then heat slowly on the hob until the oil starts to bubble. Cover and cook in the oven for 2 hours, or until the ribs are tender and the meat comes easily away from the bone. Take the ribs out of the oil. Chill until firm.

Combine the spices in a frying pan over a low heat and toast until fragrant. Tip into a bowl to cool. Put the panko breadcrumbs and 2tbsp oil in the pan and cook, stirring, until crispy and golden. Add the crumbs to the spices, mix together; season with salt.

Preheat a deep fryer, or a large pan with enough oil to cover the ribs, to 180C. Cut down between the bones of each rib to make individual ribs. Deep-fry until brown and crispy, around 5 minutes. Drain and toss them in a bowl with the date syrup.

Arrange on a plate and cover with the spiced crumbs, to serve.

Recipe and photographs taken from How Wild Things Are: Cooking, Fishing, Hunting at the Bottom of the World by Annaliese Gregory. Photography by Adam Gibson (Hardie Grant, £22).
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Lamb Ribs 2 c Adam Gibson
Recipe and photographs taken from How Wild Things Are: Cooking, Fishing, Hunting at the Bottom of the World by Annaliese Gregory. Photography by Adam Gibson (Hardie Grant, £22).


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