Crab butter

Makes 475G Sauces and accompaniments


  • 910g unsalted butter
  • 455g crab shells, cartilage, and fat (the crab’s top shell isn’t necessary)


In a wide, shallow heavy-bottomed pot or flameproof roasting pan, melt the butter over a low heat. Add the crab shells, cartilage, and fat and use a wooden or stainless- steel spoon to crush the shells and cartilage. With the heat set as low as possible, let the crab peelings and the butter marinate together for 1 hour. The crab parts will release all their flavour and infuse the butter. Taste the butter; when it has a full crab-forward flavour, it has steeped long enough and is done.

Set a sieve over a bowl and pour the contents of the pot into the sieve. Allow to stand until all the butter has dripped into the bowl (this will take a while). Discard the solids.

Pour the strained butter into small airtight containers. It will keep, chilled, for up to a month or in the freezer for up to a year.

This recipe was taken from the June/July 2020 issue of Food and Travel.

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Recipe and photograph taken from Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes From a Disappearing Bayou by Melissa M Martin, photography by Denny Culbert (Artisan, £26.99)
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Recipe and photograph taken from Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes From a Disappearing Bayou by Melissa M Martin, photography by Denny Culbert (Artisan, £26.99)


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