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Makes 4 Starters and mains
To make the dough, add the flours, yeast and salt, along with 350g water at room temperature, to the bowl of a stand mixer and mix with the dough hook attachment, or mix by hand in a large bowl, kneading thoroughly until smooth and elastic. This is a fairly wet dough, so if slapping and folding on a worksurface you will need a dough scraper. It needs to be mixed well for at least 10-15 minutes for the flour to absorb the water.
Lightly oil a clean mixing bowl. Transfer the dough to the oiled bowl and cover with an oiled plastic bag. Leave to rise for 3-4 hours, giving the dough a couple of stretches and turns every now and then. Scoop your fingers into the sides of the bowl, pull out a flap of dough and fold it back into the centre. Do this around the whole ball of dough to help develop the gluten. After at least two stretches and folds, once the dough is aerated and has doubled in size, it is ready to use.
Preheat the oven to 230C/210C F/Gas 8 if making the pizzette immediately. Alternatively, keep the dough in the fridge until you are ready to roll and bake it.
Split the dough into four equal pieces and roll out into small pizza-sized rounds, using extra flour if necessary. Transfer to two or more baking sheets. Dot the fig and Gorgonzola pieces over the base of the rounds. Drizzle olive oil over and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the pizzette are golden and bubbling.
Sprinkle the wild fennel flowers and rocket and/or basil, if using, over the pizzas and drizzle olive oil over to serve.
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