Fillet of marinated salmon with petit pois and wasabi mousseline

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 2 tbsp fine salt
  • 150ml olive oil
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 10g fresh root ginger
  • pea shoots, to garnish

For the mousseline

  • 600g petit pois
  • 150ml vegetable stock, chilled
  • small knob wasabi

For the cooking oil

  • 500ml grapeseed oil
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 10g fresh root ginger


Sprinkle the salmon fillets with the salt and leave to rest for 6 minutes, then rinse in cold water. Mix the olive oil with the chopped lemongrass and ginger, reserving a little lemongrass for garnish.

Immerse the salmon in this marinade. Refrigerate for 3 hours so the fish absorbs the flavours.

While the salmon is marinating, make the mousseline. Cook the petits pois in salted boiling water for 5 minutes (they should be very soft), then refresh by immersing them immediately in a bowl of water and ice. Drain the peas, reserving a few for garnish, then blend with the well-chilled vegetable stock to make a smooth purée. Keep to one side.

Put the oil, lemongrass and ginger into a saucepan and heat to 60°C/140°F (the oil should be hot, but not bubbling). Carefully submerge the salmon and leave for 8 minutes, maintaining the oil at the same temperature.

Meanwhile, gently warm the mousseline and stir in the wasabi. Season. To serve, drain the salmon and garnish with pea shoots, peas and lemongrass.

Recipes and photographs taken from Scook: The complete cookery course by Anne-Sophie Pic. Photography by Michael Roulier (Jacqui Small, £40).
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Recipes and photographs taken from Scook: The complete cookery course by Anne-Sophie Pic. Photography by Michael Roulier (Jacqui Small, £40).


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