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Serves 8 Starters and mains
Mix the turmeric, 2tsp salt, chilli powder and sugar with enough plain water to make a thick paste. Add the tamarind liquid and mix. Roll the fish cutlets in the paste until they are thoroughly coated.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, then add the dried chillies. Fry the cutlets over a high heat for 3 minutes or until golden on one side, then flip over and fry the other side for 2 minutes. Serve hot.
Tamarind liquid
The most refined way to use tamarind is to make tamarind liquid, extracting maximum flavour without the coarse, fibrous texture of the pulp. Simmer 1 part tamarind pulp to 3 parts water for 30 minutes or so, then pass pulp and water through a coarse-meshed or conical sieve. Discard fibre and seeds. If the tamarind liquid seems too thick or paste-like, stir in a little extra water. Refrigerate for up to 1 month.
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