Greek yoghurt with ginger and turmeric honey

Serves 2 Sauces and accompaniments


  • 40g walnuts or other nuts, roughly chopped
  • 500g Greek yoghurt

For the ginger and turmeric honey

  • 200g honey of your choice
  • 60g fresh root ginger, peeled and grated
  • zest 1 lemon
  • 2tsp ground turmeric or 4tsp fresh turmeric, grated
  • 1⁄4tsp freshly ground black pepper

Cook's note

  • Which turmeric you use will affect the flavour – fresh turmeric has a more potent, fruitier flavour than ground.


Preheat the oven to 180C /160C F/Gas 4. Soak the walnuts in a glass of well-salted water for 5–10 minutes, then drain. Spread them out on a baking tray and bake for 5–10 minutes or until crunchy, then set aside.

To make the ginger and turmeric honey, pour or scoop the honey into a jar – if your honey is very firm, the ginger will loosen it up. Add the ginger, lemon zest, turmeric and black pepper and stir to combine.

To serve, roughly chop the salted nuts. Divide the yoghurt between 2 bowls in wavy swirls and top with a dollop of the honey and some walnuts. You will have more honey than you need, so store the remainder in a sealed jar in the cupboard for the next time you make this recipe, or to use as you like. It will keep for at least 1 month.

This recipe featured in the July 2022 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Recipes and photographs taken from Green Kitchen Q u i c k + S l o w b y D a v i d Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl, photography by David Frenkiel (Hardie Grant,£27).
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Greek Yoghurt with Ginger Turmeric Honey
Recipes and photographs taken from Green Kitchen Q u i c k + S l o w b y D a v i d Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl, photography by David Frenkiel (Hardie Grant,£27).


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