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Serves 4
Preheat the grill to high and place a shelf about 17cm from the grill. Put the yolks, sugar and wine into a heatproof bowl. Sit the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water – don’t let the base of the bowl touch the water. Whisk for 5 minutes until thick and pale, remove from the pan, and whisk for 2-4 minutes. If you use electric beaters, be sure to keep the cable well away from the heat. If you use a hand whisk, it will take longer. The mix needs to be used within 5 minutes of making. Heat 100ml water in a large saucepan and add the gooseberries, not to cook, but to warm them through (dessert gooseberries are ready to eat). Drain and put into one single large or 4 individual serving dishes. Spoon the zabaglione over the gooseberries. Put under the preheated grill for 20-30 seconds to tinge golden brown (you must watch as it turns very quickly). Alternatively wave a hot blow torch over for a few seconds.
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