Grilled pears with chestnut honey, tahini and oats

Serves 4 Desserts and puddings


  • 25ml groundnut or sunflower oil, plus extra for brushing
  • 25g light brown soft sugar
  • 2tbsp clear chestnut honey or your favourite alternative, plus extra to trickle
  • 75g porridge oats
  • 2 large fairly ripe pears, halved (no need to core or peel)
  • 2tbsp tahini
  • 4tbsp crème fraîche
  • a few thyme sprigs, leaves picked (optional), to sprinkle


Heat the barbecue to medium or until the embers are glowing and giving out a good, steady heat, then put a flameproof pan on the grill and add the oil, sugar, 1tbsp honey, a pinch of sea salt and the porridge oats. Cook, stirring continuously to help the sugar and honey melt and stick to the flakes as they get hot, until they are golden and smell sweet and nutty. Remove from the heat and leave to cool in the pan while you grill the pears.

Brush the pears with a little oil, put them on the hot grill and cook for 6–8 minutes on each side or until they take on some charring from the bars and are beginning to soften.

In a bowl, combine the tahini with the crème fraîche and the remaining 1tbsp honey and stir well. Spoon a few toasted oats on to 4 plates or into shallow bowls, then put a pear half on top of each. Add a dollop of crème fraîche next to each pear half, then trickle a little more honey over and sprinkle with thyme leaves, if using.

This recipe featured in the June 2022 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe today, click here.

Recipes and photographs taken from Outside: Recipes for a Wilder Way of Eating by Gill Meller, photography by Andrew Montgomery (Quadrille, £30).
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Grilled pears
Recipes and photographs taken from Outside: Recipes for a Wilder Way of Eating by Gill Meller, photography by Andrew Montgomery (Quadrille, £30).


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