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Serves 8 Starters and mains
Make the filling. Lightly peel the cucumbers, removing only the thickest layer of dark green skin. Halve them down their length, then remove the seeds with a teaspoon or your thumb. Finely chop the dill. Chop the cucumbers into small pieces, roughly 1cm square, then put them in a mixing bowl with the mustard, honey, vinegar and dill. Season and set aside.
Roll the pastry out to a rectangle measuring about 40cm x 30cm, making certain it is a little longer than your salmon fillets. Put the pastry on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Set the oven at 180°C/350ºF/Gas 4.
Place one half of the fish on the pastry, pile half the filling on top, then cover with the second fillet of fish. Brush the edges of the pastry with egg wash, then fold the pastry over the fish, sealing the edges that meet by pressing them together. There should be a gap in the centre through which you can see the fish. (If you have a mind to, you could decorate your fish with bits of pastry for scales. Up to you.)
Brush with egg wash and bake for 45 minutes. Slide on to a baking dish and leave to settle for ten minutes before serving with the remaining cucumber mixture as a cold accompaniment.
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