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Serves 8
The day before, make the spice
blend. Toast all the ingredients
in a small, dry frying pan over a medium heat for around 1
minute until fragrant. Cool for
a couple of minutes, then
transfer to a spice grinder and
in an airtight container and put
in the fridge overnight.
The next day, remove the marinated meat from the fridge temperature. In a small mug or the next steps.
Heat the oil in a karahi or deep frying pan over a high heat. Add the onions and fry for 16-18 minutes, stirring regularly, until they turn a deep golden colour. Use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a plate linedwith kitchen paper.
Coat the potatoes with the turmeric, then add to the oil in the frying pan and fry over a medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes or until the potatoes are light golden. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a plate and reserve the oil.
Tip the meat, including all the marinade, into a very large, heavy-based, ovenproof pan needs to be large enough to leave several cm of space on top once the rice is added, to create steam.
Drizzle 2tbsp of the melted ghee and 50ml of the oil used for deep frying over the meat and sprinkle half the saffron the meat in an even layer acrossthe base of the pan. Lay the potatoes on top of the meat, then scatter three-quarters of the fried onions over the top, reserving the rest. Arrange the aloo bokhara and green chillies on top.
Preheat the oven to 140C/ 120C F/Gas 1. In a large pan, over a high heat. Add the cinnamon, bay leaves, cloves, cardamom, shahi jeera and salt. add the rice and cook for 4–5 minutes until parboiled, overcooking. If you squeeze centre. Once the rice reaches this stage, drain immediately, then arrange in a single, even layer on top of the meat.
In a small bowl, combine the remaining ghee with the milk and around 1tbsp hot water. Sprinkle this evenly over the rice, then dot the remaining saffron water on top of the rice in a few places. Finally, spinkle the kewra water or rosewater over with half of the reserved fried onions.
Cover and cook over medium-high heat for 12 minutes until the pan is steaming, then transfer to the oven and cook for another 1 hour 20 minutes. Remove from 10 minutes, then gently mix up the biryani by bringing the meat to the top or taking large spoonfuls from the side of the pan to loosen up the layers, in order to create a good mix of potatoes, meat and rice.
Garnish with the remaining fried onions to serve.
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