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Serves 4 Starters and mains
Swedish stuffed cabbage rolls with a twist – here we use quinoa instead of breadcrumbs.
Put the quinoa in a pan and cover with cold water, bring to the boil and cook on a high heat for 7 minutes. Strain then leave off the heat with the lid on for 10 minutes. Tip onto a plate to get cold. Heat 1tbsp of the oil in a small pan and sweat the shallots to soften for 3 minutes on a medium heat. Add to the quinoa and leave to get cold. Fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil. Plunge half the leaves at a time into the water for 3 minutes to blanch and soften a little, lift out into cold water to refresh the colour and drain well.
Skin the sausages into a bowl and add the cold quinoa and onion, along with the parsley and a tiny pinch of salt. Mix them together well.
Lay the leaves 4 at a time on a surface with the stem rib upwards and trim out the first 3cm of stem and divide a quarter of the sausage mixture between them. Roll up, bringing the sides over the mixture and continue to roll and secure with a cocktail stick. Use the remaining leaves and mixture in the same way.
Preheat oven to 200 ̊C/400 ̊F/ Gas 6. Heat 1tbsp of the oil in a large frying pan on a medium heat and fry the rolls in a single layer for about 2 minutes each side until just golden. Transfer to either an ovenproof dish; or to 4 tapas- style ovenproof dishes. Push the tomatoes in between the rolls, spoon over a few tablespoons of water, dot over a few knobs of butter, scatter with chilli flakes and pour over the rest of the olive oil. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes. Uncover and bake for a further 12 minutes.
Take out the cocktail sticks and serve with soured cream and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
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