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Serves 2 Starters and mains
Warm the oil in a wide, shallow pan over a moderate heat. Cut the mushrooms in half and add them to the pan. Cook, stirring them occasionally, till they colour. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Stir it into the mushrooms and leave it to brown nicely for a few minutes. Halve each chilli lengthways, removing the seeds and finely chopping the flesh, before adding to the pan. Cook for a minute, then tip in the minced lamb, stir it into the mushrooms and allow to colour for about 5 minutes with only the occasional stir, so that it browns nicely.
Chop the mint leaves and stir them into the yoghurt with some salt and pepper. Chop the pine kernels and stir them into the lamb with a generous grinding of salt and pepper.
Warm the flatbreads and lay them on a chopping board or work surface. Divide the salad leaves between them and tip over the hot lamb and mushrooms. Scatter the pomegranate seeds and stoned olives over the lamb, then trickle over the yoghurt. Roll loosely and eat.
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