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Serves 6 Starters and mains
The day before, submerge the lamb in the cold brine - click here, to completely cover. Transfer to the fridge and marinate for 6 hours. Remove from the brine, dry with kitchen paper and leave to dry in the fridge, uncovered, on a wire rack set over a plate overnight.
The next day, preheat the oven to 90C/70C F/Gas 1⁄4. Cook the lamb in the oven for 1 hour, 30 minutes until it reaches 63C at the core on a cook’s thermometer. Remove and sear in a cast-iron frying pan for 2 minutes over a medium heat until it has a caramelised surface – the inside is already perfectly done, so take care not to overcook. Leave to rest for at least 3 hours.
When ready to serve, heat the jus - click here, in a small pan over a low heat. Stir in the pickled mustard seeds. Put the mizuna or rocket in a bowl. Mix the lemon juice, oil, honey and a tiny grating of garlic, and drizzle on the leaves.
Carve the lamb into 4mm slices and arrange on a serving plate. Top with the jus, add the mizuna or rocket and season with pepper and salt. Garnish with petals, if using, to serve.
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