
Serves 6 Starters and mains

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  • 1 litre whole milk
  • 8 large egg yolks, beaten
  • 250g granulated sugar, plus extra for the topping
  • 2tbsp cornflour
  • 5cm piece of lemon zest


Place the egg yolks in a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan and mix well with a little milk. Add the rest of the milk, together with the lemon zest, the cornflour and the sugar. Mix well and place over a medium heat.

Stir carefully and continuously, making sure that the eggs don’t scramble (you can also do this in a bain-marie). Cook until the mixture thickens to a custard consistency, about 10-15 minutes.

Pour out into a terracotta dish and cool to room temperature. Sprinkle 2 or 3tbsp sugar over the top and caramelise either with a hot iron, a blow-torch, or under a hot grill. Chill before serving.

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