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Serves 6 Desserts and puddings
Put the cream and milk in a pan and gently bring to the boil, until bubbles start to appear around the side of the pan. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a bowl until pale in colour. Gradually pour the hot liquid over the egg mixture, stirring well.
Rinse or wash out the pan and pour the mixture back in. Cook over a low heat – use a heat diffuser if you have one – stirring constantly, for 8-10 minutes until it reaches 75C. Do not boil or the mixture may curdle. Transfer to a wide bowl and leave to cool and thicken.
Stir in the lemon juice and churn using an ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively use the ‘still freeze’ method (see lemon curd ice cream recipe).
Soften in the fridge for a few minutes if necessary before serving.
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