Margot Henderson’s lemon potatoes

Serves 4 Sauces and accompaniments


  • 1kg Cyprus potatoes, peeled and halved or quartered
  • 70ml olive oil
  • 1tsp paprika
  • 500g tomatoes, quartered
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 lemon, quartered


Preheat the oven to 220C/200C F/Gas 7. Put the potatoes in a roasting tray and add the oil, paprika, tomatoes and garlic. Squeeze over the lemon quarters, then add the lemon skins to the tray. Season with sea salt and pepper and mix everything together.

Roast in the oven for 40 minutes, then turn it down to 180C/160C F/Gas 4 and cook for a further 15 minutes until the potatoes are crispy on the outside and soft when squeezed. Serve, scooping up the crispy bits on the bottom.

This recipe was taken from the Christmas 2021 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Food styling by Linda Tubby, photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.
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Food styling by Linda Tubby, photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.


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