Marron glacé creams with angel hair

Makes 4 X 150ML-200ML Desserts and puddings


  • 75g golden caster sugar
  • 270g unsweetened chestnut purée
  • 350ml double cream
  • 1tbsp Calvados

For the angel hair

  • 250g caster sugar
  • 65g glucose syrup


Place the golden caster sugar in a small saucepan with 2tbsp of cold water and dissolve over a low heat, then simmer for 1 minute until syrupy, and cool. Mash the chestnut purée in a bowl and slowly whisk in the sugar syrup until very smooth (or use a mini food processor if you have one). Mix in half the cream. Whisk the rest of the cream with the Calvados until just floppy, then fold in just less than one-third of the chestnut mixture. Divide the two mixtures between in glasses in alternating layers (see image). Top each of the glasses with a marron glacé torn in two.

To make the angel hair, place the sugar, glucose syrup and 6tbsp cold water in a saucepan set over a low heat until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Continue to cook on a low heat and test with a thermometer; when it reaches the ‘crack’ stage – 320ºC/608ºF – put the base of the pan in a large dish of cold water for 1 minute. Lift out and leave for about 7 minutes (but test after five minutes) before spinning. It is usually ready when 2 forks tied back to back are lifted and the drips start forming continuous strands.

Lay sheets of paper on the floor then, holding a long wooden spoon in one hand and the two forks in the other, dip the forks into the syrup, then move the forks over the handle so the syrup falls to form long strands. When the spoon handle is covered, collect the strands into a loose ball and place on a sheet of waxed paper while you do the rest. If the syrup becomes too solid simply reheat to loosen. Practice makes perfect, and you’ll be able to judge how large a tangle you will need after the first attempt.

Serve the angel hair on top of each dessert.

Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.
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Recipe Marron Glace
Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.


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