Miso fudge

Makes 100-150 pieces Desserts and puddings


  • 1 x 397g can condensed milk
  • 250g butter
  • 175ml whole milk
  • 800g demerara sugar
  • 30g golden syrup
  • 2tbsp white miso


Line a baking tray approx. 35cm x 24cm with non-stick greaseproof paper. Put all the ingredients except the miso into a large, heavy-based pan. Heat gently and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Now boil and stir, paying particular attention to the bottom (you don’t want it to catch) until the temperature on a sugar thermometer reaches 115C. Be careful – it splutters and sticks and is very hot.

Turn off the heat and leave until the temperature is down to 70-80C, then tip in the miso paste and stir. Beat the mixture with a hand or stand mixer until it thickens and the sugar crystals are broken up. Tip the whole mixture on to the baking tray and spread out. Leave at room temperature to set and then cut into squares with a sharp knife. Keeps for 6 weeks in a cool, dry place.

This recipe featured in the Christmas 2022 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Recipes and food styling by Margaret Clancy. Photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.
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Recipes and food styling by Margaret Clancy. Photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.


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