M’tabaq (sweet cheese-filled parcels)

Makes 6 Cakes, Bread and Pastries


  • 90g salted butter, melted
  • 36 sheets filo pastry, each 20cm square
  • 750g grated Akkawi cheese or 500g ricotta mixed with 250g grated mozzarella
  • pistachios, crushed, to serve

For the syrup

  • 260g caster sugar
  • seeds from 3 cardamompods, crushed
  • 1tbsp lemon juice


Brush the base of a large baking tray with melted butter. Place a sheet of filo pastry in the tin and brush it with melted butter. Layer 5 more sheets on top, brushing each with butter as you go. Keep the remaining filo covered with a clean, damp tea towel while you work, to prevent it drying out. Divide the cheese into 6 portions.

Spoon 1 portion into the middle of the pastry and use your fingers to spread it in a square, leaving a 5cm frame around it. Fold 1 corner of the pastry layers into the middle and repeat for the remaining corners until you have a square parcel. Turn seam-side down, brush with some more butter, then use a sharp knife to cut through the top layers in a cross shape. Repeat to fill and shape 6 pastries.

At this stage, you could leave the m’tabaq for up to 1 hour, but not much longer, or the filo can become soggy. Preheat the oven to 230C/ 455F/Gas 8. Bake the parcels for 15-20 minutes or until they are crisp and golden brown.

Halfway through cooking, make the syrup. Pour 120ml of water into a saucepan and place overa medium heat, adding the sugar and cardamom.

Bring to the boil, stirring, then add the lemon juice and simmer for 2 minutes. As soon as you take the pastries out of the oven, pour the hot syrup over (3-4tbsp on each). Leave for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with crushed pistachios and serve.

Recipes and photographs taken from Zaitoun: Recipes and stories from The Palestinian Kitchen by Yasmin Khan, photography by Matt Russell (Bloomsbury, £26).
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Mtabaq 09
Recipes and photographs taken from Zaitoun: Recipes and stories from The Palestinian Kitchen by Yasmin Khan, photography by Matt Russell (Bloomsbury, £26).


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