Mulled sorbet

Serves 6-8 (Start 1 day before serving) Desserts and puddings


  • 3tbsp caster sugar
  • 500ml pear cooking liquid (see recipe linked below)
  • 3tbsp double cream


The day before, stir the sugar into the pear cooking liquidpear cooking liquid and leave to get completely cold. Mix in the double cream.

Churn the mixture in an ice cream machine following the manufacturer’s instructions until frozen. Put into a freezerproof container, cover and freeze for at least 12 hours or until frozen but easy to scoop.

Alternatively, use the still-freeze method: pour the mixture into a freezerproof container and put uncovered in the freezer. After 1½ hours use a fork to break up the ice crystals around the edges. Bring those into the middle and whisk until broken up and slushy. Re-freeze, repeat the freezing and whisking process again, then re-freeze until firm but not solid.

Transfer to a food processor and blitz until smooth. Put back in the container and freeze until ready to serve.

This recipe was taken from the Christmas 2021 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Recipes and food styling by Linda Tubby, photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.
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Recipes and food styling by Linda Tubby, photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.


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