Orange blossom labneh

Serves 2 Starters and mains


  • 400g full-fat natural yoghurt
  • 2tsp maple syrup, plus extra to serve (optional)
  • 2tsp orange blossom water
  • 4 thick slices fruit bread
  • 1 1⁄2tbsp pistachios, toasted and roughly chopped


Place a muslin inside a sieve sitting over a mixing bowl. If you don’t have a cheesecloth, you can use 3 sheets of kitchen paper or a clean tea towel. Pour the yoghurt into the lined sieve, chill, and allow to drip for a minimum of 3 hours or, ideally, overnight. It will thicken as it sits and the liquid drips away through the sieve.

Once strained, discard the liquid in the bowl and tip the thick yoghurt, now labneh, into a clean bowl. Stir in the maple syrup and the orange blossom water.

Toast the slices of fruit bread, then spoon 2tbsp of labneh onto each piece of toast while still warm. Drizzle over a little more maple syrup, if desired. Scatter with pistachios and serve.

Any leftover labneh will keep, covered and chilled, for up to 1 week.

Recipe from The Yoga Kitchen by Kimberly Parsons (Quadrille). Photography by Laura Edwards.
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Recipe from The Yoga Kitchen by Kimberly Parsons (Quadrille). Photography by Laura Edwards.


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