Pâte de fruits

Makes 24 Desserts and puddings


  • 240g fruit juice or purée (either lemon, orange or lime juice or raspberry, strawberry or blackcurrant purée, can be bought online)
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 95g liquid glucose
  • 10g pectin
  • ½tsp lemon juice
  • 250g granulated sugar, for rolling


Put the fruit purée, 150g of the caster sugar and the liquid glucose in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

In a small bowl, mix the remaining caster sugar with the pectin then whisk into the boiling fruit purée. Continue to cook over a low heat, stirring constantly, until it reaches 104C.

Add the lemon juice and cook for a further 3-4 minutes. Pour the mixture into the silicone mould and leave to set for 2-3 hours in a cool, dry area.

Unmould the pâte de fruits and roll in the granulated sugar. Store in an airtight container and consume with 1 month.

Recipes And Photographs Taken From Nostalgic Delights By William Curley. Photography By Kevin Summers. (Jacqui Small, £25).
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Pâte de fruits
Recipes And Photographs Taken From Nostalgic Delights By William Curley. Photography By Kevin Summers. (Jacqui Small, £25).


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