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Serves 8–10 Starters and mains
A day or two before you plan to eat the pork, brine the belly in a non-reactive, deep-sided roasting dish. Rub the salt into the meat on both sides and leave for 30 minutes. Turn the belly so the skin faces down, then cover in enough cold water to submerge it. Cover tightly and store in the fridge for 24-48 hours.
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 and sit a rack in the centre of the oven. Drain the brine from the belly, pat it dry all over and place it with the skin down on a clean work surface. Peel and discard the outer four layers and the upper and lower parts of the lemongrass stem, then finely chop the rest. Mix the peanuts, peanut butter, chilli flakes, garlic, herbs and lemongrass together in a bowl and spread this evenly over the flesh side of the belly.
Roll up the meat tightly and tie it up with string, keeping the roll as tight as possible.
Line a large roasting dish with baking paper. Place a cake rack in the dish, then sit the belly on it, with the seam facing down.
Rub the skin with a little olive oil and sprinkle with flaky salt. Place in the oven and roast for 1 hour 45 minutes until the skin is golden.
Turn up the heat to 230°C/455°F/Gas 8 and cook for another 15-20 minutes until the crackling has crackled. If it doesn’t crackle, turn the grill on medium-high and cook until it does, keeping your eye on it to prevent burning.
Remove the belly from the heat and leave to rest in a warm place, uncovered, for 15 minutes before removing the string and slicing the meat. Serve with potato salad and green leaves in summer or mash, gravy and steamed greens in colder months
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