Pickled cauliflower with dill, garlic and chilli

Makes 2 x 250ML JARS


  • 31⁄2tbsp sea salt crystals
  • 600ml white balsamic or white condiment
  • 2tsp sugar
  • 400-500g cauliflower, broken into medium-sized florets
  • 5 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced lengthways
  • 1tsp white peppercorns
  • 1tbsp yellow mustard seeds
  • 6 small whole green chillies
  • 8 or more fresh dill fronds
  • 2 x 250ml sterilised jars


Put the salt, balsamic and sugar in a saucepan and over a low heat let the sugar dissolve; pour into a large bowl and leave until cold. Add the cauliflower florets and the rest of the ingredients. Pack the mixture into sterilised jars and leave for 12 hours before using.

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