Pineapple, lime and mint granita with salted lime sprinkle

Serves 6-8 Desserts and puddings

WEB Pineapple granita 2



  • 200g granulated sugar
  • 4 mint sprigs, bashed
  • zest and juice 2 limes
  • 1kg pineapple flesh (from 1.75 kg pineapple)
  • 2tbsp vodka
  • 100g caster sugar
  • ½tsp sea salt


To make the granita, combine the granulated sugar with 250ml water in a pan and stir over a low heat for 2-3 minutes or until the sugar dissolves. Add the mint and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes then discard the mint and allow to cool.

Squeeze the lime juice into the cooled syrup (reserve the zest for the praline sprinkle) and transfer to a blender with the pineapple flesh and vodka. Blitz to a smooth purée then pass through a fine sieve into a shallow tin. Freeze for 4 hours. Remove and break up with a fork then return to the freezer. Continue to do this hourly until you have a granita texture.

To make the praline, line a baking tray with foil. Put the caster sugar in a small pan with 2tbsp water and stir over a low heat until the sugar dissolves. Increase the heat and cook for 5-6 minutes, without stirring until the syrup turns to golden caramel. Pour on to the prepared tray and leave to set.

Break up the caramel and blitz in a processor with the reserved lime zest and sea salt. Fork the pineapple and lime granita into small cups and serve sprinkled with a little salted praline.

This recipe was taken from the August/September 2021 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Recipe, food and prop styling by Louise Pickford, photography by Ian Wallace.
WEB Pineapple granita 2
Recipe, food and prop styling by Louise Pickford, photography by Ian Wallace.


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