Poached eggs with 'nduja butter and spinach

Serves 2 Starters and mains


  • 35g 'nduja
  • 20g unsalted butter, plus extra for the muffins
  • 200g baby spinach
  • 2 English muffins, halved
  • 1/2tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 3 eggs, cracked into ramekins


Gently melt the 'nduja and butter together in a small pan over a very low heat, prodding and stirring until combined. The sauce should be loose and glossy - don't let this boil or fry, otherwise the pork in the 'nduja hardens and the butter and sauce will split. Remove from direct heat while you assemble the other components.

Wilt the spinach in a large frying pan set over a medium-high heat. Add 1tbsp water to encourage the cooking process (no need for butter or oil) and, once cooked, squeeze away any excess liquid. Season with sea salt flakes and black pepper.

Meanwhile, toast and butter the muffins and poach the eggs. Fill a medium pan with water to a depth of 10cm or so, bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat so the water remains just below simmering with a regular stream of fine bubbles. Add the vinegar and swirl the water rapidly with a wooden spoon. Tip one egg from a low height into the water, continuing to swirl the water around the edges of the pan with the spoon handle, and, after 10 seconds, add the second egg. Continue to add the remaining eggs in the same way, or cook in batches, until cooked to your liking.

Top the muffins with spinach and poached eggs. Give the 'nduja butter a good stir, then spoon over the top to serve.

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Recipes and photographs taken from Good Eggs by Ed Smith, photography by Sam A Harris (Hardie Grant, £22).
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Recipes and photographs taken from Good Eggs by Ed Smith, photography by Sam A Harris (Hardie Grant, £22).


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