Pommes aligot

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 1kg yukon gold potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 100g butter
  • 100ml double cream
  • 500g tomme d’Auvergne or tomme de l’Aubrac, or 250g mozzarella and 250g Gruyère, rind removed, diced


Cook the potatoes in lots of boiling salted water until you can pierce them easily, then drain.

Pass the cooked potatoes through a ricer, then return to the pan and beat in the garlic, butter and cream, followed by half the cheese. Beat until fully mixed, then add the remaining cheese and beat again before serving.

Recipe and photography taken from Potato by James Martin, photography by John Carey (Quadrille, £23).
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Recipe and photography taken from Potato by James Martin, photography by John Carey (Quadrille, £23).


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