Pork with garlic and oyster sauce

Serves 2 Starters and mains


  • 5tbsp (at least) flavourless oil
  • 350g cubed pork shoulder or fillet
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • 2 shallots
  • 4 small, hot red chillies
  • 150g mushrooms, shiitake, chestnut, or other
  • 3tbsp (heaped) oyster sauce
  • 3tbsp Shaoxing wine


Heat a wok. Add 2tbsp of oil. When it starts to smoke, add half the meat and let it colour, removing it as it turns golden at the edges. Repeat with the second batch of meat, using a little fresh oil if you have to. Meanwhile, peel and finely chop the garlic and peel and slice the shallots. Finely chop, but do not seed, 2 of the chillies.

Leave a couple whole to add a deeper, subtler flavour. Get the wok hot, pour in the remaining oil and let it start to smoke, then add the chopped garlic, shallots and chillies, stirring as they cook. Fry them for a minute or two till they start to colour. Add the mushrooms, whole or torn up if they are large. Continue stirfrying till they are soft and lightly coloured, then return the meat to the pan.

Once the meat is thoroughly hot, stir in the oyster sauce and the wine and bring to the boil. Let the resulting sauce reduce for a minute, maybe two, then serve.

Recipes and photographs taken from The Kitchen Diaries II by Nigel Slater, photography by Jonathan Lovekin (Fourth Estate, £30).
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Recipes and photographs taken from The Kitchen Diaries II by Nigel Slater, photography by Jonathan Lovekin (Fourth Estate, £30).


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