Porridge, walnuts, brown sugar and butter

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 180g pinhead oats
  • 750ml whole milk
  • 60g salted butter
  • 100g walnut halves, toasted
  • 30g muscovado or rapadura brown sugar


Put the oats in a pan with 1 litre water and a pinch of salt.

Bring to the boil and cook until almost all the water has evaporated and the mixture has a cement-like consistency, stirring from time to time. This normally takes 20–25 minutes.

Unlike milk, the water will not catch or burn. Add the milk, bring to the boil and turn down to very low, stirring regularly until the oats are cooked but not mushy, around 20 minutes.

To serve, divide among 4 bowls. Dot blobs of butter, scatter over the walnuts and sprinkle with brown sugar. Pour a bit of hot milk on top, if desired. Serve immediately.

Recipe and photographs taken from Towpath: Recipes & Stories by Lori de Mori and Laura Jackson. Photography by Scott MacSween and Joe Woodhouse (Chelsea Green Publishing, £27).
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Recipe and photographs taken from Towpath: Recipes & Stories by Lori de Mori and Laura Jackson. Photography by Scott MacSween and Joe Woodhouse (Chelsea Green Publishing, £27).


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