Prune and meringue parfait with calvados caramel sauce

Serves 6-8 Desserts and puddings

For the parfait

  • 90g prunes
  • 100ml calvados
  • 75g caster sugar
  • zest and juice 1 orange
  • 100ml dairy-free coconut yoghurt
  • 255ml double cream
  • 80-100g mini-meringues, shop- bought or homemade

For the calvados caramel sauce

  • 8tbsp caster sugar
  • 45ml double cream
  • soaking juices from the prunes


Double-line the loaf tin with cling film, allowing an overhang big enough to cover the top of the parfait. Put the prunes in a bowl with the calvados and 3 tablespoons boiling water. Leave to macerate for around four hours.

Whizz the sugar and orange zest in a mini-processor until its consistency is smooth and snow- like, then mix into the yoghurt. Drain the prunes, keeping all the liquid for the calvados caramel sauce, and add half the orange juice to the liquid. Slice each prune into 4-5 pieces.

Put all but a few tablespoons of cream and the juice from the rest of the orange in a bowl and whisk until the mixture holds its shape. Fold in the orange and yoghurt mixture followed by the sliced prunes. Break the meringues into chunky pieces and fold in too. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin, smooth the top and fold the excess cling film over and freeze for at least 5 hours.

To make the calvados caramel sauce, put the sugar and a splash of water in a small pan and slowly dissolve until clear. Increase the heat and boil to a golden caramel. Remove from the heat, add 3 tablespoons of the reserved cream followed by the prune juices. Return to the heat, stirring until smooth and thick enough to coat a spoon.

A few hours before serving remove the parfait from the freezer. Loosen the cling film from the top and invert the tin onto a small board. Remove the cling film and put back in the freezer. Transfer to the fridge 15 minutes before serving. To serve, spoon some of the sauce onto plates, slice the parfait thickly and lay a slice of parfait on top of the sauce.

Food styling and recipes by Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.
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Meringue Parfait 3113
Food styling and recipes by Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.


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