Raspberry and yoghurt iced sherbet

Makes 1 Desserts and puddings


  • 125g raspberries
  • juice of 1⁄2 lemon
  • 60g caster sugar
  • 1tbsp liquid glucose
  • 4tbsp natural yoghurt


Blitz the raspberries with the lemon juice in a mini processor. Tip into a sieve set over a bowl and use a ladle in a circular motion to push all the juices through.

Put the sugar and glucose in a small pan with 100ml water. Set it over a low heat for 2 minutes to dissolve the sugar – it may need a swirl. Mix into the raspberry mixture and whisk in the yoghurt. Transfer to a shallow container and freeze for 2 hours.

Remove from the freezer, then break up the mixture with a fork and use a mini processor to break down the ice crystals. Refreeze for about 2 hours, repeat once more and freeze again.

Pop it in the fridge 15 minutes before eating if it’s a bit hard to make it softly scoop-able.

Recipes and Photographs taken from Solo by Linda Tubby. Photography by Ali Allen (Kyle Books, £16.99).
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Recipes and Photographs taken from Solo by Linda Tubby. Photography by Ali Allen (Kyle Books, £16.99).


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