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Makes Fills about 4 x 350g jars Sauces and accompaniments
Half and stone the plums. Lay the pieces in a large earthenware bowl, adding some sugar over each layer of fruit, finishing with sugar over the top. Wrap the plum stones in a small piece of muslin and bury it in the plums and sugar. Leave overnight.
Transfer the contents of the bowl, including the stones, into a preserving pan. Over a low heat, let the sugar dissolve. Increase the heat and bring to a simmer,
until the plums are tender.
Remove the muslin-wrapped stones, and when cool enough to handle, squeeze into the pan. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil for about 15 minutes, without stirring, until the jam reaches 105°C/220°F. If you have no thermometer, spoon a little onto a chilled plate and push with your finger. If it wrinkles, it’s ready. It should set to a light, loose jelly.
Take the pan off the heat and let it settle for 5 minutes. Ladle the jelly into warm sterilised jars. Cover with waxed paper and put on cellophane tops or screw tops.
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