Roasted baby carrots with orange and black sesame seeds

Serves 6 Starters and mains


  • 2 small oranges
  • 1.5kg baby carrots
  • 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 100g butter, softened
  • 1tbsp black sesame seeds


Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/ Gas 6. Finely grate the skin of 1 orange and squeeze the juice, reserving separately. Thinly slice the remaining orange. Place the carrots in a roasting tin and add the oil, salt, pepper, orange juice and the orange slices, stir well. Roast for 25-30 minutes until tender and golden.

Meanwhile, beat the butter, orange zest and sesame seeds until smooth. Set aside.

Remove the carrots from the oven, dot the butter over, allowing it to melt. Stir well, transfer to a platter and serve immediately.

Photography: Ian Wallace. Recipes and Food Styles: Louise Pickford.
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Photography: Ian Wallace. Recipes and Food Styles: Louise Pickford.


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