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Serves 4 Starters and mains
Preheat the oven to 250C/230C Fan/Gas 9. Put 2tbsp of oil into a small saucepan and place on a medium-low heat. Add the crushed garlic and cook for 10 seconds, then add the coriander, fish spice mix, chilli flakes, 1⁄4tsp of salt and a grind of black pepper.
Cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring frequently, for the garlic to really soften, then remove from the heat.
Place the cod in a parchment- lined roasting dish, skin-side down, and brush with the remaining 2tbsp of oil. Season lightly with salt and pepper, then spoon the coriander mix on top of each fillet. Spread it out so that the whole top is covered, then top each one with a bay leaf, if using, along with 2 slices of lemon. Roast for 7-8 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through. Serve at once, with around 1tbsp of tahini sauce drizzled over, if using, and a wedge of lemon alongside.
Place all of the spices in a bowl and mix well to combine. If making more than you need, transfer to a sealed container, where the spice mix will keep for a month.
Mix together all the ingredients with 120ml water. If it is too runny, add a bit more tahini. If it is too thick, add a bit more lemon juice or water. You want the consistency to be like that of a smooth, runny nut butter. It will thicken up when left to sit, so just give it a stir and some more lemon juice or water every time you use it.
This recipe was taken from the May 2020 issue of Food and Travel.
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