Rolled labneh balls

Makes 12-16 balls


  • 1kg natural yogurt
  • 2tsp salt
  • extra-virgin olive oil, to store (optional)

To coat

  • dukkah
  • za'atar
  • sumac
  • Turkish chilli powder
  • sesame seeds or nigella seeds

Dukkah - makes 175g

  • 15g nigella seeds
  • 25g salt flakes
  • 50g sesame seeds, toasted
  • 50g hazelnuts, roasted and peeled
  • 25g coriander seeds, toasted
  • 25g cumin seeds, toasted


Make the labneh 3 to 5 days before. Line a sieve with cheesecloth, leaving some cloth hanging over the edges.

Put the yoghurt in a bowl and whisk in the salt, then transfer to the lined sieve and suspend over a large bowl to catch the whey. Labneh is usually ready between 12 and 48 hours, depending on the texture you prefer, but this needs to hang for 3-5 days until it is dry enough to break off a piece.

When ready to serve, take a 25g piece and roll into a ball, then gently roll in your chosen coating, or make small batches using different coatings. Serve immediately as part of a cheeseboard or as a snack.

To store, half-fill a small sterilised jar or container with extra-virgin olive oil, then gently place the balls in the jar, ensuring the oil fully covers them. They will keep for at least 1 month in the fridge.


Put the nigella seeds, salt flakes and sesame seeds in a bowl. Lightly crush the hazelnuts in a pestle and mortar, leaving them a bit chunky if you like, then add to the bowl. Blend the coriander and cumin seeds in a spice bowl and mix.

Store the mix in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 months.

Recipes and photography taken from Rumi: Food of Middle Eastern Appearance by Joseph Abboud, photography by Armelle Habib (Murdoch books, £18.99)
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Rolled labne rolls
Recipes and photography taken from Rumi: Food of Middle Eastern Appearance by Joseph Abboud, photography by Armelle Habib (Murdoch books, £18.99)


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