Samphire and ray tians with hazelnut and caper dressing

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 100g samphire
  • 4 slices of lemon
  • 8 parsley stalks
  • 750g sustainable ray wings
  • 1tbsp dry white wine
  • 25g unsalted butter
  • 1tbsp finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 2tbsp white balsamic or white condimento vinegar

For the dressing

  • 15g butter
  • 2tbsp white balsamic vinegar
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • 1tbsp hazelnut oil
  • 50g roasted hazelnuts, roughly chopped
  • 2tbsp capers, rinsed (if salted)
  • ½tbsp finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • pinch each of salt and caster sugar
  • thinly sliced walnut bread, toasted, to serve


Preheat the oven to 200°C/ 390°F/Gas 6.

Place the samphire in a steamer set over a pan of boiling water and steam for about 2 minutes, until just tender. Transfer to a plate to cool completely.

Sit a sheet of tin foil large enough to make a tent around the ray on an oven tray. Place half the lemon and parsley stalks and a little salt and freshly ground white pepper in the centre of the foil, then put the ray wings on top. Add another pinch of salt and pepper, the rest of the lemon and parsley, and the white wine. Tightly seal the tin foil in a tent around the ray. Cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes (depending on how thick the ray is) or until the ray is tender. Transfer the ray to a plate and, when cool enough to handle, strip the flesh from the cartilage. Place the flesh in a bowl and pour over the juices from the foil. Discard the lemon and parsley.

Melt the butter in a small pan on a gentle heat until foaming, then stir in the parsley and pour the mixture over the ray. Deglaze the pan with the white balsamic vinegar and let it reduce by about a third to make a light syrup. Pour this over the ray, then add the cooled samphire and mix evenly.

Tightly pack the mixture into the ramekins and enclose with the overhanging cling film. Place in the fridge to chill for at least 2½ hours, preferably overnight.

When ready to serve, make the dressing. Heat the butter in a small pan on a low heat until just sizzling, remove from the heat, add the remaining ingredients and whisk to combine. Unwrap the tians, invert onto serving plates and remove the cling film. Spoon over the warm dressing and serve with the walnut toast.

Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.
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Recipes and food styling: Linda Tubby. Photography and prop styling: Angela Dukes.


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