Sea bream with almond and breadcrumb crust, vinegar and thyme

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 4 large sea bream fillets, skin lightly scored
  • 100ml sweet white wine vinegar (such as chardonnay or moscatel vinegar)
  • 100g panko breadcrumbs
  • 40g ground almonds
  • plain four, for dusting
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • extra virgin olive oil, for frying
  • ½ small handful thyme
  • tomato-based salad, to serve


Place the fish fillets in a bowl, season well and pour over around 75ml of the vinegar. Leave to marinate in the fridge for an hour.

Drain off the vinegar and dab the fillets dry with kitchen paper. Mix the breadcrumbs with the ground almonds. Dredge the fillets in flour, then dip into the egg and coat with the breadcrumb-almond mix.

Heat a large sauté pan over a medium heat. Pour in a good amount of olive oil for shallow frying (around 1cm in depth). When the oil is hot carefully lay the fish, skin-side down, in the pan and fry for 3 minutes or until golden brown and crunchy. Turn the fish over, add the thyme sprigs and fry for a further 2–3 minutes or until cooked through and golden brown.

Pour the remaining vinegar over the fish, then remove the fillets from the pan to drain on a kitchen towel. Spoon over some of the thyme-infused oil and vinegar from the pan and serve with the salad.

This recipe was taken from the August/September 2021 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Recipes and photographs taken from Sicilia by Ben Tish, photography by Kris Kirkham (Bloomsbury Absolute, £26).
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5 Sea Bream Almond Bread crumb Crust
Recipes and photographs taken from Sicilia by Ben Tish, photography by Kris Kirkham (Bloomsbury Absolute, £26).


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