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Serves 2 Starters and mains
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/ Gas 4. Cover a plate with flour, season with a generous pinch of salt and drag each wing through the flour to coat it evenly on both sides, patting off any excess.
Put the floured wings onto 2 large baking sheets lined with silicone mats, with the thin meat side down (wings are thicker on one side than the other). Drizzle over a little oil, rub it all over
the top side then turn the wing over and repeat.
Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. The wing should be 55°C/130°F at the thickest point when tested with a meat thermometer.
Meanwhile, make the hazelnut butter (beurre noisette). Heat the butter in a saucepan – it will begin to foam as the water particles in the butter boil off. As soon as the butter stops foaming, the temperature will rise rapidly: you need to take it off the heat as soon as it starts to colour a light brown. There should be a distinctive hazelnut aroma at this stage. To halt the cooking process, carefully squeeze a wedge of lemon into the butter.
To serve, simply place a wing on a warmed plate, pour over a generous portion of the beurre noisette, a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt.
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