Slow-braised oxtail

Serves 4 Starters and mains


  • 1.5kg oxtail, sliced
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • 1 litre red wine
  • 3 thyme sprigs
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 75g butter
  • 1 spring onion, green parts only
  • 4 small round breads or 1 large focaccia


Rub the oxtail with the olive oil and 1tsp each of salt and pepper. Heat a very large saucepan, add the meat and brown until it takes on colour. Deglaze with the red wine and add the thyme and bay leaves. Cover and simmer over a low heat for around 6 hours, until the meat falls off the bone.

Add a bit of water as needed; the meat should always be covered with liquid, so keep an eye on it. Frequently skim off any fat that collects on the surface.

Remove the meat from the pan and set aside. Boil the liquid over a high heat until it has reduced to around 200ml. Stir in the butter and season the sauce to taste.

Return the meat to the pan and briefly warm in the sauce.

To serve, trim the green part of the spring onions into very thin strips. Arrange the braised oxtail with the sauce on the bread and garnish with the spring onions.

Recipe and photography from Tel Aviv: Food. People. Stories. A Culinary Journey with Neni by Haya Molcho and Elihay Biran (Murdoch Books). Photography by Nuriel Molcho.
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Recipe and photography from Tel Aviv: Food. People. Stories. A Culinary Journey with Neni by Haya Molcho and Elihay Biran (Murdoch Books). Photography by Nuriel Molcho.


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