Smoked trout, eggs and keta with sour cream dressing

Serves 6 Starters and mains


  • 500g baby potatoes
  • 2tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 100ml fruity extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 eggs
  • 375g smoked trout
  • 60g baby leaves (whatever you can find)
  • 12 sprigs of dill, fronds only
  • 10g chives, cut in half
  • 50g jar of keta (salmon roe)


Boil or steam the potatoes until just tender. Slice them and gently mix in a bowl with the vinegar, two-thirds of the olive oil and some salt and pepper. Set aside and allow to cool.

Place the eggs in a saucepan of boiling water and cook for 7 minutes. Run them under cold water, then peel and halve.

Flake the trout and gently combine in a bowl with the rest of the olive oil, some salt and pepper, the potatoes (and their dressing), leaves and herbs.

Arrange on a platter and add the eggs. Spoon the dressing over the top and dot with little spoonfuls of the keta and serve.

Recipes and photographs taken from Simple by Diana Henry, photography by Laura Edwards. (Mitchell Beazley).
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Smoked trout, eggs and keta with sour cream dressing
Recipes and photographs taken from Simple by Diana Henry, photography by Laura Edwards. (Mitchell Beazley).


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